Busy New Year
12th January 2011
Well, its been a very busy New Year.
The website is positively humming, and our houses are looking quite full for2011 already.
As well as new enquiries, we have been taking in 2nd deposits for our Waiting List bookings – either from returning guests or those who registered throughout 2010 for a specific house in 2011. We allow them to pay a small deposit in September/early October, and then have to collect the balance of the deposit to 40% now. Think next year we had better not coincide with the New Year rush!!
We also have owners statements to prepare and send out, as well as housekeeping teams to prepare and plan for spring-cleans, Easter and the year ahead.
Busy busy.
But, beginning to think a bit about March/April…and perhaps getting back in the sea. Of course, the sea is warmer now – but there’s something about frost or snow on the ground that seems to put me off! And with the Ashes glow still pervading (1st 20:20 game won today!), 2011 is looking rather good.