Fantastic weekend!
13th May 2012
Wow, its been great this weekend in Treyarnon!
Full sun for both days, and really quite warm today with very light winds. Surf has been non-existent, but great on the beach. And so few people about – what a shame!
Finally made it to the Youth Hostel for the first time in a while – good breakfast bap and coffee – and meals and drinks all day for non residents. Its a real option now that the pub is just a distant memory. Notwithstanding their current planning application which is concerning alot of us, the setup is pretty good here. Great views for a beer.
There’s been loads of rock climbing, sunbathing, floating in the sea – great fun! Even old Chilli has been enjoying the weather – you can see her in the video having a stroll below!
And Windrushes where we have been staying has been great! So easy to get to the beach and pretty comfortable these days. Roll on summer!