You can access the next 7 days weather reports below under each specific beach (except Booby’s which is the next door to Constantine so comes under the same page), along with other useful information such as tide times and wind directions.
The weather can be pretty important.
Generally wind is bad, and low pressure out in the Atlantic is good. If there is wind (and there normally is round here!), offshore winds will prop the waves up, allowing them to peel. This allows a surfer to catch a wave early and go along the face of the wave. Standing or lying down. This is what surfing is all about!
Onshore winds will tend to cause waves to fall over and lose shape. Rolling white water and choppy conditions are symptomatic.
Here are the best ways to stay ahead of the game:
Constantine Bay Surf Forecast – including Constantine and Harlyn
Magic Seaweed’s Surf forecast for Constantine and Polzeath
Metcheck – 14 day forecasts are often wrong, but quite fun!